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Working on a new project can be an exciting, even exhilarating experience. The first concepts are fabulous, the client seems friendly, everyone adds their input on how glorious they see the end result and seeing something different to your last big one-year project makes you feel more alive. Soon, however, the reality strikes back and big ambitions are undermined by tight deadlines, small budgets, understaffed teams and oversized customer requests. In the end, it is the budget of a project that decides over the quality of work. So it is no wonder that the project manager, worried about the completion in a timely manner, has reserved feelings on whether to implement accessibility guidelines or not. The client might have told him that he does not care about the blind people anyways since they are not part of his target group. That client probably has not enough proof of positive benefits and is only worried about his money bag, he might even feel that it is some sneaky tactic to make him pay more. However, there are a few undeniable facts underpinning the necessity and benefits of accessible work.

In conclusion, we can easily see from these few examples the business value of an accessible website. Accessibility is more than just “the blind people” and actually pays out.

Open up the web for everyone!

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